Tuesday 6 September 2011

Loneliness of the Blogger

There is a movie called, “The loneliness of the Long Distance Runner”, and I have to say that blogging is a bit like that. The blogger takes a chance by putting his or her thoughts into words, perhaps badly, and placing them in open view for all to see. No exceptions, except those who do not own a computer, and if that was true, you wouldn't be reading this right now! There is also more than one website which carries my blogs, so they do reach a wide and varied audience.

As a Christian, I have a Bible based worldview, or big picture type of thinking, obviously founded on years in and around church, Christians, and church folks, although not exclusively. I do have some experience of life in general, so I hope that can help me give a balanced view. There's the problem! My worldview as a Christian, can be worlds apart from another Christian, who will take an opposite view on some of my thinking. Is that a problem?

I am still learning. I have not “got it all together” even yet. I like to hear other's views and opinions, so I don't mind disagreements or other thoughts being expressed reasonably, logically, and well. I suppose that's “non judgemental compromise or negotiation”. However, for that to work, each side has to be prepared to move. It is not my job to judge. That lies with the great Judge, who will make His verdict known perhaps in this life, but certainly in the next.

So what has prompted this blog? Just the fact that I have had recent responses which have taken a different side from my own views, and maybe, just maybe, I have offended someone. I would not want that. I hope we are all, as adults, able to listen to each other's thoughts, agree or disagree, and move on. Now I come back to the title of the blog, and that's where it can become lonely. My only defence is that my own worldview is made up from my convictions, both spiritual and physical. I cannot change the good and bad lessons of life I have been taught, but maybe I can change the way I react to them. 


  1. now I feel like I've upset you! :( There was no intent and you must write as you feel. I think blogging is a brave 'hobby' as you open yourself to a wide audience and at that point one must know that this can be both positive and negative. Enjoy both, and I really mean that.

  2. Hi James, thanks for your post. I have enjoyed the challenge of thinking in another way as a result of comments back, including your own. You did not upset or offend, but I appreciate your comeback. My blog 'ravings' go out on other websites, and these can and do bring a different kind of feedback. Some personal, although not offensive (I hope). As a Christian, I do try to be topical in my views, while maintaining my faith worldview. That does not always sit well. I suppose that's when you feel 'out on a limb' or 'lonely'. It's strange that some of the best, positive, comments come from people I don't know! Another lesson for the learning, I think!!
    Thanks again! God Bless, David.
