Friday 24 June 2011


It is happening right under our noses, and we are all complicit in its success. As a Christian, yes even moral, nation we are sleepwalking into a dark eternity. That's just a cosy way of describing hell! There are many things in western 'civilised' society which go against the fundamental and basic teaching of the Bible, but for the most part we can rise above them by maintaining our own Christian walk, and belonging to a church which espouses Christ's teachings. Hence the name 'Christian'.

In Scotland we are all aware of the ongoing debate inside and outwith the national Church of Scotland to allow homosexually practising men to be ministers, and therefore by definition hold any position of leadership and authority in that Church body. Now, the background rumblings within the Church of England about homosexual bishops has been raised for discussion. We have the two biggest Churches in the UK which comprise well over half of Church membership and attendance, discussing the acceptance of homosexuality within its leadership.

Of course there is a debate. Have you followed any of the discussions? The CoS has centred around the teachings of it trying to be 'inclusive'. Take note of that word when you hear the subject being debated. On the other hand, the CoE has centred its talk around the word 'celibate' for homosexual bishops in a long term civil partnership. The word I would use is 'semantics'. That's playing with words, usually to make your own point.

Make no mistake, both of these churches WILL allow and embrace homosexuality in their ministers and bishops. There are some very basic and human reasons for this. The law of the land favours equality, and this is a well tried legal definition. To go against the law opens you and the church to litigation. The church would lose! Also, many ministers know only one vocation, and their church buildings and manses are owned by the 'general church'. To separate themselves from that body may make them jobless and homeless. This is no small problem for a young 'normal' minister with a small family.

While all this 'debate' is going on in our mainstream churches, with much navel gazing and hand wringing, the homosexual activist group, Stonewall is dancing, punching the air, and shouting 'result'!

So, what to do for the Christian person and church who want to follow the way as described within scripture, and see homosexuality as a clear sin? At the risk of making some good people angry, here are my suggestions, based on the familiar text:

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. 2 Cor 6:17-18 (KJV)

Leave the church, either now, or later when the decision is formally made. Make it clear by 'telling the truth in love', why. Trouble is that even churches will play the waiting game, and play footsie with the devil, just to keep its business going. That is already in evidence.

Don't have your church government body unaware of your strongly held views. If they don't know directly from you (not through your minister only) they will be happy to assume you are 'with the program'. Take a stand. Your own stand.

Find another, maybe smaller church, which has not been sucked into the secular argument. This may be an independent church or mission, which still believes and practices the Bible as much as they can.

Contact your government representatives, MP, MSP (or country equivalent) to let them know they have a bad law. We, that's you and I, let it get this far, and it will not change overnight if at all, but that is not a reason for doing nothing.

Too strong? Oh sorry, I didn't mean to offend, just bring the whole discussion back to the place it belongs... the Bible. In the meantime, make no mistake, we (Christians) have been Stonewalled!

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