Monday 6 June 2011

Jew Bashing

It doesn't seem to have changed over the years. The Israeli nation has to endure the backlash of public opinion when anything (yes I mean anything) that happens includes all things Arabic. In the driving quest for a two state solution to the middle East conflict and tension, any time Israel stands up for itself, the world media takes the sides of the other. It doesn't matter who, as long as they are against the Jewish nation, and people. Well it seems that way to me.

I think it all came to a finish after the holocaust in World War 2, when they were almost wiped out, in and around Germany, but no! It carries on. From Bible times until now, the nation of Israel has had to fight their own battles, with very few allies. In the past few days, some Arab terrorists, louts and yobs try to storm the Israeli border with Syria using petrol bombs, sticks, stones and sheer numbers in their thousands, and think they can do it with impunity. After all, the watching world is on their side. Some of the youths involved are scarcely out of Primary School, and determined in their hatred for anyone or anything Jewish. 

I can understand a nation making sure their sovereignty is not breached or abused, ever again, and taking every step possible to maintain the safety of their citizens. They are doing that, and in the face of an illogical and unreasoned world view which stands against them every time. It seems they can do nothing right. In the recent case, where reports say 10 to 20 people were killed, the immediate blame was placed on the Israeli Army. That was even after they had used a loudhailer to warn the would be intruders, and used smoke bombs, and then tear gas, before the order was given to aim at the feet and legs of the oncoming 'terrorists'. The world media jumped at the news of people killed in the unlawful act of breaching another nations borders,before knowing the whole story. But that's not new for a media who support the Palestinian cause in everything they do. 

The truth, like oil in water, rose to the surface later. It turns out that the people who were injured and those who died, did so because they were in a mine field, where the mines were activated and detonated by the very molotov cocktails they were throwing. In other words, they died due to their own actions, and the action of their supporters. Strangely, this was not reported in the media in the same way as the story where the Israeli soldiers were given the blame. 

I just like a level playing field, with each one treated fairly. Can we possibly do that for Israel? Not everything they do is wrong, and I for one am tired of hearing otherwise from our so called balanced reporting media. (Notice I didn't even mention the fact that the Nation of Israel is God's chosen people, according to the Bible.)

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