Wednesday 4 May 2011

Decision Time

If you live in the UK, by this time, you will have heard all the arguments for and against each of the political candidates, and soon, you will be putting your final decision down to record your voting intentions to carry you through the next few years. Only the real enthusiasts will join a political party, but we all have an opinion, and fortunately we live in a country where we can express it openly. Your vote is special. It is unique, and yet you will be one of many people who share the same ideal for parliament. As adults, we all have the intelligence to understand the differences between the policies, and we can tell which people can best deliver those promises, so that's where the cross goes. Your choice is beside the cross, but you have still not signed up to the party you vote for.

Our attitude to Faith is very like that too. We listen to the sermons, and watch the people who call themselves by the name Christian, and we decide whether we are convinced to put our name beside the Cross. Of course in this ballot, you can also abstain, and not show any allegiance at all. And you don't even need to be a member of a church, to be a Christian, although I do believe it is to be encouraged. At some time in our life we will have to make that eternal decision. Do we believe enough to be identified with the Cross? Like you, I know many people who have seen the lives of Saints on this earth, and heard all the arguments to make them convinced in what they should do, but they don't quite go as far as being a disciple.... yet....

In the UK, one choice is needed on the 5th May, but the other is open ended. It's a big question. Which Cross will your name be beside? Decision time!

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