Thursday 23 February 2017


When Jesus talked with his closest friends, He told them “Don’t let your hearts be troubled” and that is a wonderful word. It covers concerns, worries, right up to a depression, so whatever you are facing Jesus tells us not to be ‘troubled’ about it. Wait a minute, don’t you feel like yelling as John McEnroe would shout to the tennis umpire when a decision didn’t go his way, “You can’t be serious”? My daughter used to say, “don’t you tell me not to worry”!

The next phrase tells it all, and completes the sentence. Jesus affirmed to the disciples,“you believe in God, believe also in Me”. That’s the secret. When you are crossing a busy street with your child, who takes your hand? Your child trusts you completely, so they happily put their hand into yours in the certain knowledge that while you have their hand, they are safe from harm. It just leaves me to ask you, “whose hand is worthy of your trust when trouble comes”?

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. John 14:1

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