Saturday 18 June 2016


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Philippians 4:8

That’s quite a lovely verse and quoted often, but usually in the safety of our own terms and worldview. I am reminded of the good and selfless street Pastors who stand outside nightclubs to provide Christian support for revellers when they leave. Sometimes it’s a warm cheery smile, sometimes a pair of flip flops and a foil wrap when ladies emerge without their shoes, and are not dressed for the cold night air. Sometimes a word of the Gospel is left with the partygoers, but it is all done to show a Christlike Spirit and example. Who knows the results or eternal consequences of their actions? These people and their actions are indeed praiseworthy.

If you live in Europe anywhere, you will already be sucked into the atmosphere of Euro 2016 football, and you will almost certainly be rooting for your national team probably from the safety of your living room TV set! You cannot fail to have noticed the violence both on and off the sports arena. Drunken brawls, flares and missiles thrown, blood spilled, man against man in acts of war-like aggression resulting in a peak of hospital admissions. And all this requires the police to forcibly disperse rioting fans with tear gas! Now if you are of that mindset, and don’t mind being associated with these actions, then by all means go and take part in the ‘sporting atmosphere’ with all the attendant risks involved. You could be made (in)famous by being beamed across the continent among the hooligan, drunken groups. You could be injured and bring shame on your reputation in the eyes of your family, children and grandchildren. That really is a high risk strategy.

I bring these two groups of people in contrast to make a point. Which group would you think reflects the verse in Philippians 4:8? If a Christian is going to be involved and associated with something which is a window to the world, shouldn’t it mirror the goodness that Paul commands? Paul is near the end of this letter, and has said a lot beforehand, but he starts this part with the word, “Finally”. In other words, “When all is said and done”, or “In the end”, or “above all else” and the rest of the text follows. I leave you with another observation. In the first instance of the street Pastors, they do not enter the premises unless it is to do good works. In the second instance, christians find no conflict, not only going into the ‘games’, but also put themselves and their reputations in harm's way, and have no intention of doing good, witnessing or shining a light among the drunken brawlers.

I leave the defence of the onsite football fans in their own or someone else's hands. Maybe there are examples where Scripture condones and encourages this, but it doesn’t seem to fit with today’s verse. When Jesus ate with sinners, it always resulted in a positive outcome and lives were changed. There is another way the word ‘Whatever’ could be used, and it fits with a youth, who faced with an adult telling them they had said or done something risky, rolls their eyes, tilts their head and says in disbelief and defiance… Whatever!

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