Friday 1 November 2013

Sliding Doors

I can't wait to see you, we'll be reunited soon now! Love you, and I'm waiting on the other side of the sliding doors!

It was a simple situation, and shared by many people. The words of a simple text message from my granddaughter who was waiting on one side of airport sliding doors, while I was on the other side, getting through the various necessary troubles and trials before being allowed into another country.

This is a reminder of heaven, and the simplicity is striking. We are merely a veil away, or a sliding door if you like, from our Saviour and loved ones in heaven. I think we are closer than we like to believe at times, and now and again we get a reminder that stops us in our tracks, to make us notice how thin that light curtain is between heaven’s eternity, and our own mortality.

This is also a part of the Christmas story, believe it or not, so look beyond the baby in the manger, and ask yourself why He came to earth? The reason culminated some 33 years later after a crucifixion and subsequent resurrection of that same man who was, and is, God incarnate. Jesus is the reason, the only reason, we are confident that when those sliding doors open, we will step into that other ‘country’, we call heaven.

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