Friday 28 June 2013

Simple Math

It is an unfortunate fact that our fine educational standard in mathematics does not transfer into our political understanding of morality. As a simple example, we have lost the meaning of the ‘=’ sign. Let me explain:

Man + Woman = Baby (Good place to start and universally understood) but in the news today, the UK government has passed a significant legal milestone and is allowing this equation: Man + Woman + Woman = Baby.

This is not the only basic equation we have tampered with. Let’s remind you of the first equation and see what we have already done with it:
Man + Woman = Man + Man (no baby here). In fact we have also made it acceptable as:
Man + Woman = Woman + Woman (no baby here either).

Sorry to do this to you. I hope you are following me so far, because there is another ‘equality’ waiting in the wings, which will emerge soon. Since we can bring conception about in the lab using a man and two women, surely it won’t be long before polygamy and polyamory is seen as an acceptable way to conceive ‘naturally’? That will be argued as an equality, and would make the ‘equation’ become:
Man + Woman = xMen + xWomen (where x = any number). So can you now say that marriage is between a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others?

Now, can you honestly tell me this new ‘equality’ will not be tested, and eventually legalised? Remember the wise old quotation, ‘for want of a shoe the horse was lost, for want of a horse the knight was lost, for want of a knight the battle was lost, for want of a battle the kingdom was lost’? Well now we have lost our morality and all for want of an ‘=’ sign!

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