Friday 1 March 2013

Calm Before The Storm

Personal story: there was a lady who didn’t keep very well for a long time, but she was always telling us that she wasn’t doing so good. We listened and then moved on to do the other things that we saw as important. Then we noticed a change, slowly and over time, she got quieter until she wasn’t saying much about her problems, even though we were all well aware of her condition. It struck us all, that the silence was a sure way of knowing that she really wasn’t feeling well this time, and we took notice. But it took the silence to bring it to our attention.

There can be a period of calm before the storm too, which should also make us sit up and take notice. Have you seen changes in the lives of those around you? Have they gone quiet? What about your family? How about your church? I am asking for a reason. One which has disturbed me for a few days now.

Take the hypothetical example of a church which is going along, quite nicely, just getting by numerically and financially, and taking for granted that it would always be there, because it has always been a part of your life, and so it becomes ‘part of the furniture’. Then you are hit with a bombshell. Your place of worship is threatened, or at least has to change beyond recognition. You then have a choice to make. You, and everyone else who uses the facility so readily and without thought.

Take the example a little further. A church meeting is held, and attended by a few, who hear the Pastor share his troubled heart. His church that he has worked in for the past several years, is slowly declining and he sees the warning lights and hears crisis bells peal. He shares openly and sincerely, what is a difficult message. As a church, we are in deep trouble. Now try to imagine the response?

The roar of silence. Stony silence. Deafening silence. How do you read this story? Is this silence a confirmation that there is resignation to a downward spiral? Or maybe it is the effect of hearing something that wasn’t expected, and you are in shock? Or again, maybe it is the calm before the storm. I don’t know what lies ahead for this particular church, but the silence troubled me, and reminded me of the dear lady at the start of this piece. Now, we are in no doubt about the severity of the situation. The atmosphere has changed, and it cannot be denied. I suppose the silence may also mean that the small group in question is taking stock as how to respond to make an improvement that will be noticed, and the sooner the better. Perhaps the silence shows a sense of urgency. One thing is certain in my own mind. This particular Pastor is hurting, and must also be feeling very vulnerable. We need to show support where we can to the pastoral family unit, and uphold him and the church in intercessory prayer.

As I thought about this situation, two verses kept coming to mind, and I will share them with you in closing my thoughts. To my thinking this particular church needs a vision to grow, and secondly and much more importantly, the church of Jesus Christ will always survive wherever it stays true to the core gospel message:

Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18

...I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18

So my friends who have read this far, over to you. What do you think? Do you have any suggestions that would help to improve the chances of a good recovery for this particular wounded and ailing patient? You can share them here.

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