Monday 14 January 2013

Priceless Pearls

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matt 13:45 NKJV

It’s a familiar story from Jesus, and He tells it for a good reason. We are guilty of skimming the surface of parables, but allow me to prompt your thinking.

What would be the ‘pearl’ that would mean so much to you, that you would make every effort not only to get it, but keep it? It doesn’t have to be a pearl, or some kind of expensive jewellery, so how about these suggestions of things that are  truly priceless?

Your pearl might be the family reconciliation of parent and child. It may be the gift of a child into your life. Your pearl may be the wife or husband who shares your life. It may be the return of good health through healing, whether spiritually, physically or emotionally. Or maybe, just maybe you are still looking for that pearl, and have been looking for many years so far unsuccessfully. I can only say keep looking. The verse suggests that the merchant was looking already, and kept looking until he found what he needed.

Business people don’t risk everything for one venture. They will usually, wisely, make sure their other businesses are kept safe and out of danger, so their risk is minimised. However, the merchant in our verse risked everything to make sure he was able to keep the pearl he had found because he recognised its true value. We should be no different. We are dealing with eternal and essential matters, and God would not steer us wrong, so when He shows us the pearl He wants us to have, we should risk our reputation and pride to accept it with thanks. So whether it is a family matter, love or health, keep believing and take a step of faith while holding firmly onto the extended hand of God. He won’t let go, and neither should we.

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