Saturday 19 January 2013

Living a Lie

World renowned cyclist and record holder Lance Armstrong has finally come clean, and admitted taking performance enhancing drugs over a long period of time, and during his seven Tour De France title wins. He was under immense pressure to tell the truth, because there had been a lot of evidence put into the public domain, that he was hiding a big lie. To cover up his wrongdoing, he bullied others to help him hide his actions for a long time, but as we all know, the truth will out in the end. It was only a matter of time before the lie he was living would be exposed. He believed that retelling the same lie on and on, would make it believable and even the truth!

Let’s not be too hasty to judge him, or anyone else who may be living a lie. Not one of us is the person other people think we are. We all, without exception, hide something, the only difference is a matter of scale. Lance Armstrong deceived many people, and achieved many trophies during his own chosen lie, but can we truly say we have not deceived others to some degree? Perhaps not in such a public way, but deceit it is none the less.

Eventually, the truth will come out, and we may not be able to control how or when. It may be a slight embarrassment, or a massive scandal, but it will come out at some point. We tell our children to always tell the truth, but before we know it, we are peddling our own protective stories to help us save face with our friends and work colleagues. Our exposure may not hit the headlines or the 10 o’clock news, but it will dent our credibility and integrity, perhaps even for the rest of our lives.

The answer is quite simple. Just be yourself. The way God made you, and the way God accepts you. Isn’t it good to know we don’t have to impress our loving Father? After all, He knows us better than anyone, and better than we know ourselves. So stop trying to be someone else, that position is already filled. You are unique, so accept who you are, just the same way that Jesus loves and accepts you! It’s a shame Lance Armstrong didn’t know that little truth, isn’t it?  

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