Saturday 7 April 2012

In Between Days

Yesterday was the worst day of your life. You are down, bruised, battered, bowed and feeling lost. Everything you had worked for over the past years has disappeared almost in a puff of smoke, or a vapour in the breeze. You never thought you would see today, but it dawned, as usual, and as you rubbed your eyes and remembered the recent past, you recoil at the thought of facing the day. You certainly can’t look your friends or family in the eyes again, and equally, you cannot pretend yesterday didn’t happen. How many of them will ever see you in the same light again? This is a day for hiding away, and like an ostrich putting your head down in the sand and hoping it all goes away.

This is Saturday. We know that Sunday follows Saturday, but we have no idea what that new day will hold. We have enough trouble coping with this day, how could another day, just another 24 hours away, be any different? We have no clue that this day is an ‘In Between Day’, and in truth we all get them. In fact we get too many of them, and they come too close together for our own liking.

Tomorrow, Sunday, is a whole new day. A fresh hope for the future. Suddenly the events of Friday will pale into insignificance, as you see what has started to happen on this new dawn. Your worst day becomes your best day. You are not down, but up, and your bruises are healing faster than would be humanly possible. It occurs to you that it’s not just this day that will be different, but every day after this one. Your days ahead are brighter, as you begin to understand what has been done on your behalf, and you didn’t have to do anything to benefit from it. Everything changes from resurrection Sunday.

Meantime, we are in between. It is Saturday. We know all too well what has happened in our past, but we still have to face the future, and Sunday hasn’t happened, well not quite yet. The disciples didn’t know what would take place on the Sunday, but we do. We have the benefit of God’s Word to tell us, so if you feel down and defeated, try to remember that the pain of your past has already been taken care of. When it is Saturday for you, hang on in there, and wait patiently for Sunday. It will come as sure as the Resurrection followed the disciples defeated Saturday, and horrific Friday! Have a Happy and Blessed Resurrection Sunday!

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