Monday 14 June 2010

Gone Quiet

Have you noticed the silence? Have you listened to the English World Cup football pundits as they lick wounds, and tuck tails between their legs? The English (yes, a bit like the Americans too) are a 'loud and proud' people, and if they are in any group, you will hear them above everybody else. I have now found what silences the English football media, and it's an own goal!

Part of me feels sorry for the goalkeeper, who will be remembered for his blunder, all the rest of his life. It will be replayed all over the world for every world cup competition to come in the years ahead. Robert Green's name will forever be linked with lots of 'butter fingered' headlines, and they will for the most part, be deserved. The football community do not forgive or forget easily. This gaffe may have cost the England team's hopes dear, and may have cost them a place in the semis or even the final!

On the other hand, the England football media camp tone has changed drastically. No one saw this coming. Prior to the blunder by Green, the UK (English) TV, radio and newspapers had their team as invincible, unbeatable, and some even saw them as lifting the World Cup. How proud and arrogant is that? They seem to be unaware of how they come across! It makes you cringe. So now, very quickly, they have had to rethink and regroup, and that has meant they have gone quiet. That is good for us all, but I fear will be short lived, so enjoy it while you can. Will they ever learn to only put their mouths into gear when their brains are engaged? No, I don't think that will happen either.

Quotes, "Let him that thinks he stands, take care lest he fall", or how about "Pride goes before a fall, and a haughty spirit before destruction". How appropriate are these old Bible warnings? Who said the Bible was out of date, and wasn't relevant nowadays?

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