Thursday 3 June 2010

Deceitful and Wicked

Derrick Bird has run a rampage of terror in Cumbria, and right away, we analyse all the actions of a man who behaved in a totally unacceptable manner, and gunned down 12 people, then turned the gun on himself. There is no doubt that this man was deceitful and wicked as the title suggests, and we need to learn from this tragic event.

A crime like this has three elements, the gunman, the gun, and the ammunition. The gunman is out of his mind, and is not thinking clearly, so we need to do some things with the other two. At this point, we need to get rid of the PC Brigade, and the 'We have our liberty to protect' Brigade. People's lives are at risk when a gunman acts in a deceitful and wicked manner. How about these suggestions? I think they are common sense, and don't need a committee deliberating for a year or two, to come up with them.

1. Allow guns to be owned by those who have a legitimate use for them. The military. The police, and farmers for pest control. A taxi driver has no need to own a gun.
2. Keep the guns in a separate place/house from the ammunition.
3. Shut down gun clubs with immediate effect. These wee men with big guns are dangerous.
4. Don't give any gun licence to anyone with a criminal record, and that is anyone!

This guy had two guns, and the proper licences to own them. If we don't learn from this basic lesson, we will go through it all again. Do we really want to become like our American cousins who relish their 'right to bear arms' and will even produce a celebrity to brandish a high powered rifle from a podium in a speech a few yards from the White House to make a point? Lets not wait until it is too late, before we are in a similar position. Remember Dunblane? After that we learned, and changed the laws. Remember Columbine? After that, the federal US government did nothing, and it all happened again... and again....

We cannot stop a person from doing wrong, and yes evil, but we can do something to make it harder for the circumstances to make the gun, and the ammunition too readily available. A gun without ammunition is useless. Now for the PC Brigade... shut up!! Don't give me the crocodile tears while you want to continue to play with your war weapons. Don't forget, that guns have one purpose only, and that is to kill! It's not for target practice, or hunting rabbits, stupid!!!

Oh, I started with the phrase 'deceitful and wicked' relating to the crime, but let me give you the whole quote. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it"? (The Bible, that book we don't read any more). So we are all capable of doing the wrong thing, and even 'going mental' at times. The human heart is not predictable, and is capable of great good, and unfortunately evil too). That heart doesn't only belong to Derrick Bird, today's maniac gunman. That heart belongs to us too, so let's take care that we remove the means to do evil, from our reach. It's not hard to grasp, just difficult to let go, and do something which will make a difference in our own life, and in our society too.  

Let's not be having this discussion again in a few months or years time. Please?? 

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