Friday 12 February 2010

Secret (or not) Service!

The British Secret Service, MI5 and MI6, seem to be in a spot of bother because they have been very secretive! Naughty, naughty, those people keeping secrets from us, eh? Imagine a Secret Service having the cheek, the audacity, to be secret. Ok I am going on a bit, but isn't the clue in the name? Secret! That must have something to do with it.

I thought we were in a war against terror, and that includes those who would want to harm us in this country, and that includes the terrorists. It may be an obvious point (well obvious to ordinary people, but not to the authorities) but don't the Secret Services have to be kept secret, so that they can protect us? The terrorists must be laughing all the way to their bombs, as we argue about how secret the secret service should be. As I recall, the last war had a saying, "careless talk costs lives". They couldn't have known what we know. They didn't have our well honed skills in security, where we don't have to worry about the enemy having to work at breaking our country, we do it for them! We tell them our secrets. After all that saves a lot of effort all round, and that way we help our nice terrorist neighbours.

Pardon me if I put another hat on. Hypothetically, would I would be too concerned that some dodgy wannabe terrorist is held in a camp for a few years.... I think not! Hypothetically again, would I be too concerned if our Secret Service questioned our nice terrorist wannabe friends, long and hard, and kept them from sleep? ... I think not! And yet again, hypothetically of course, would those nice wannabe terrorists be kind to any of their victims before they chop their heads off, or fly planes into skyscrapers full of innocent 'victims'? Maybe as many as 3,000 at a time?... again, I think not! 

Seems we have it backwards. The Secret Service is set up as a necessary safeguard for our good. Our country is free, but every freedom has a price, including our security as a nation. Others are not so keen that we keep it that way. They are the terrorists. So why are we so intent on protecting them? I can't help but think those nice wannabe terrorists are still laughing at the antics of our government officials, at the very highest level, protecting their interests instead of our national security.

Can we please let our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Secret Services do their job uninterrupted by politicians who can't tell a terrorist from the tooth fairy!!

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