Saturday 6 February 2010

Parliamentary Priviledge... eh??

I am not the only one to have been paying more than a passing interest in the shenanigans of our elected Parliamentarians, you know those clever people who pass those complicated laws, and are our guardians of peace, law and order! It seems that 3 MPs and a Lord, no less, will be brought to court and justice for fraud. Fiddling expenses! 

If a really dodgy person wants to be found 'not guilty' then he or she gets the best lawyer, not to find them innocent, but to make sure they cannot be proven to be guilty. There is a difference. A nice wee loophole is just the ticket, and the 'best' criminal lawyers will find one if they look hard enough. The result is that the 'baddie' is found without a case to answer, or the case is dropped due to a 'technicality of the law'... yes that loophole again!

It seems our 'good' MPs, now found out in their expense fraud, and knowing that criminal charges will follow, don't act in honesty and say 'sorry gov, it's a fair cop, I'll come quietly', and face the penalty like a big boy. No, they look for a loophole, and this 'Parliamentary Priviledge' is it! Apparently this law was introduced a long time ago (when MPs were honourable) to allow them to always get access to the Parliament building, and also to allow them to say what they wanted in chamber, without libel laws being brought against them. It wasn't brought in to protect MPs against the law of fraud, but that's exactly what they are asking their lawyers to pursue.

Now, if a criminal gets off on a technicality, we all know what has happened. He got off scot free, perhaps even without a trial, but we all know he is guilty. Otherwise why look for a loophole? It's the same with these MP criminals. They did the crime, but don't want to do the time, and know that the evidence is overwhelming against them... so they look for a loophole. 

I hope the 'loophole' is tested in court, and found not to apply in their cases, and as a result of wasting taxpayers money, and police time, they all go down for the maximum period which I believe is 7 years. Mind you with time off for good behaviour, and all the other stuff the lawyers will do on their behalf, they won't even get their socks off on the first night, and will be released before they have their first prison shower in the morning anyway. Oh well, such is our legal system. Fair? You decide! 

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