Monday 11 January 2010

Stones and Rocks

There have been a couple of stories in the press in the past days and months, and I can't help but make a connection between them. Westminster MPs expenses, and an Irish politician's indiscretions, which has affected her health, party, husband and family.

In the case of the MPs expenses, bad as it was, there was little element of the human drama or suffering behind it. Sure, some lost their jobs, but generally we felt they deserved it. Not so with the Irish member. This is a purely human drama, played out in the glare of open publicity. There can be no other result when you are in public office, and I don't think those involved would expect anything else to be the case. A sad and mentally ill lady has brought down her house of cards, and the debris lies all around her. Debris which is being picked up and used by others to their own advantage, either politically or personally. This event is even being used to bring down her husband, who, it can be argued has no part to play in his wife's personal behaviour, and bears a very heavy national burden on his shoulders. The end result in the Irish political scene cannot easily be guessed. It may be massive, but there are those who will play politics with this personal tragedy.

Where do the Stones and Rocks come into this, I hear you ask? What makes you think that people in public life are different from you or me? They have the same feelings, emotions and drives. Some extreme. Why are we so quick to judge them, when we are no different. In fact, if you go back to the MPs expenses scandal, some of the most vocal people were only silenced when their own expenses came to light! Then, and only then, they fell silent. We are prone to shout loudest when we think we are safe from judgement. I fear some of the people who are making the most noise over a personal tragedy, would be quietened if their own failings were known and broadcast nationally.

Why have we lost the ability to see that in some areas, 'there but for the grace of God, go I'? None of us are perfect, and some are less perfect than others. Now for the 'Stones and Rocks' as titled. How about, 'People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'? Or better still, a very famous and world changing person said when faced with people holding stones to throw at a woman who needed help, 'let him that is without sin cast the first stone'! There are times when bad people doing bad things need to be punished, but there are other times when good people do bad things and need to be helped, and yes even forgiven. 

Are we so bad ourselves that forgiving is beyond us?  

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