Wednesday, 2 August 2023

The Breakdown

Let’s say that your old family car has run smoothly for some years, but through time you can hear and sense that some of the parts are getting worn and ‘tired’. The wee car keeps on going but it doesn’t feel quite the same as the day you drove it from the garage forecourt. Then the unexpected (yet anticipated) happens. It stops, right at the most inconvenient time and place and no amount of looking under the bonnet helps it to restart. The thing is, the signs were there but you either ignored them, and/or hoped they would get better (even if you are not really, fully surprised) all by themselves. Unfortunately, that’s not the way of it. The hard fact is that a car needs regular servicing and maintenance to make sure it doesn’t just stop when and where you don’t expect it (even if deep down you are not shocked).

Our life is just like our wee family car. We need regular servicing and maintenance, but where and who is best placed to perform the work? Our frame is a mixture of the physical, emotional and spiritual and each part needs its own attention if we are to stop it getting ‘rusty’ and failing. I wonder where you would place the biggest priority and spend the most time and effort? Might I suggest that the physical is easiest to handle, followed closely by the emotional? Some regular visits to the local gym, and/or a personal trainer will take care of these parts of our nature. But what about the spiritual part of our being?

Most of us would agree that we are more than skin, bone and tissue, and have a greater need in our spirit. The place we might differ is how to address that part of our ‘person’. Can I be bold enough to suggest a few things which I think would certainly help?

If you don’t have a Bible in the house, get one either from an understanding friend, or buy one for yourself. That way, it will always be there and always be yours! Secondly, find a local church where God is fully worshipped and the Gospel is preached. You will be sure of a welcome. If you get that far, (or even if you don’t), give praying to our God a chance. You can’t go wrong, and it will certainly help you get your whole being running properly again. You are important to God and others whether you think it or not. Your family and friends need you to be in good working order to be the best help you can be to them. After all, half of a man or woman is of little use to anyone.

That takes us back full circle to where we started. To give you the best chance of avoiding a breakdown, include a relationship with God in your life. Job Done.

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