Saturday 2 September 2017

What If...

Have you suffered from ‘what if’ syndrome? I have, and it can get you down when you second guess each decision you made down through the years. The big things like, what if I….did better at school?.....learned that musical instrument?....picked different friends?....listened to my parents more?....married a different person?.... took that better paid job?....saved more instead of spending so much?... The list is endless, and will get us down because all these things are in the past and we can do nothing about them now.

Now, take a step back, and look at life from where you are. Life really isn’t so bad is it? Yes, there have been bad times, but these are far outnumbered by the good times. How did I get such a loving spouse, who put up with all my issues down the years? How did it work out that I have lovely children, and terrific grandchildren? The job I had paid well enough to allow us to go away on a family holiday most years. I have friends that I wouldn’t trade for anything. I found my Saviour, or to be more accurate, He found me! Things are really pretty good.

So, instead of mulling over all those ‘what ifs’ down the years, count all those blessings that came your way in spite of the apparently wrong decisions. When you have finished counting them, count again and and give thanks. Every time we made a decision in the past (and those still to come) God was right there beside us, and He knew where it would lead. I don’t want it to come across irreverently, but I can imagine Jesus looking on and smiling at our feeble attempts at life and decision making, and saying “don’t worry, I’ve got this”. The Word of God reminds us in Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” NLT. Next time you are tempted to go down the old ‘what if’ road, hold that verse close. When we are in God’s family, we are blessed beyond measure, and in spite of our own failings as we may see them at the time. After all, He was at least one step ahead of us every time, and still is!

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