Sunday 6 August 2017


You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3

My granddaughter is taking driving lessons, and doing very well. Recently, we sat and went through some driving theory questions together and I failed. Twice! As an older, more mature driver, I thought I would complete the online test with a clear 100% pass. How wrong could I be?

When I passed my test some 50 years ago, things were easier. I read and learned all the Highway Code at that time, but it seems that the rules would not allow me to pass today. Ouch. You would think that once you have committed to something, and set your mind to it, and succeeded, that would be it for ever. Not in the secular things of this life it seems, and certainly not for our driving test.

How glad I am that our God does not operate that way with us, or our salvation. Once we repent and hand over the reins of our life to our Saviour, He does just that. He saves. For ever. We don’t have to prove ourselves all over again because He will keep our minds in perfect peace. Did you catch the little word ‘keep’? To make sure we get the message, the apostle Paul gives Timothy (and therefore us) the following assurance which keeps our hearts, minds, and souls for eternity. We serve a great God, but there is a small condition. We must keep our mind stayed on Him. Now, is that such a difficult thing to do, when we consider the reward?

But I am not ashamed, because I know the one I have put my trust in. And I am sure that he is able to protect what I have put into his care until that Day. 2 Timothy 1:12

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