Thursday, 29 June 2017

Starting Small

Catch us the foxes, The little foxes that spoil the vines, For our vines have tender grapes. Song of Solomon 2:15

It always starts in a small way. Perhaps unnoticed at the beginning, but slowly grows until it becomes too big to stop. So it is with church, its doctrines and practices.

We have seen the reports of some of the world’s biggest churches, bow to the practice of accepting gay marriage, including blessing them, and officiating in the god-less unions. The Church of Scotland, United Methodists and Episcopalians are just some who have already given in to secular pressure, and reinterpreted Scripture to suit their own political ends.

It started small, with the academics leading the way by suggesting that we need to accept and be an inclusive church. That means not demonising the gay community, and making them feel loved and accepted. It takes just a few small steps for that to grow into full integration and membership of their church congregations. From there, it is another short step to inclusion into the leadership, ministerial and pastoral. At this point it follows that anyone in the gay community can be ‘married’.

The little foxes spoiled the vines, or to put it another way, the little concessions and compromises inevitably led to the end result. The Bible is not up for negotiation to suit our requirements. Yes, we must love everybody. We are all sinners, and stay that way until saved by grace. Wouldn’t it have been better if the first ‘little foxes’ were confronted and discounted before any harm was done? Maybe that’s all too simple for the top minds in our churches, who have one eye on the political situation, and think they will be left behind if they don’t go with the flow.

It comes down to this: As Christians do we accept the Bible as The Word of God, or a book of recommendations and suggestions? The answer determines if you turn a blind eye to the ‘little foxes’, or let them run riot in the chicken coop. That question is equally valid for the Christian in the pew, as it is for our church leaders.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Why This Church?

Do you know what your church stands for? The things it accepts or frowns on? Have you checked anything out to your own satisfaction? Whoa, too many questions there I hear you say. However, there are reasons why we find ourselves in our particular place of worship, and the biggest one is that we just like it there!

I was brought up in a Christian home, with Godly parents, so it was easy for me to see that the Christian faith actually works, and I wanted some of that for myself and my family. Added to that was my observation that most non church goers I knew didn’t seem to fare as well when hit hard by life. So, for years I went along to the same fellowship, and grew up ‘in the church’. Not a bad thing at all. How about you? But why your particular church? We can give different reasons.

I was sent to Sunday School as a child, and never really stopped. Perhaps that’s your story too. Some of my best friends still go there, and we use it as a place to meet up. The singing and sermons make me feel good about myself. Or maybe, like me you have experienced a personal encounter with the living God, and no other reason is as important. Let’s go back to the beginning. The church you attend is there for a reason, but do you know and understand what that reason is? Do you know how it differs in doctrine and practice from other churches? If not, don’t you think it is worth finding out?

Shouldn’t we find out what our church believes about things like: The Bible, Creation, Evolution, Salvation, Heaven, Hell, The Christian Life, Sanctification, Marriage, Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Homosexuality to name just a few. I hope I have given you something to think about, but the most important thing is this, don’t stop going to church!

Friday, 23 June 2017

The SIV Bible

The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked make themselves a stench and bring shame on themselves. Righteousness guards the person of integrity, but wickedness overthrows the sinner. Proverbs 13:5,6

Figs might not grow on the fig trees, and grapes might not grow on the vines. Olives might not grow on the olive trees, and food might not grow in the fields. There might not be any sheep in the pens or cattle in the barns. But I will still be glad in the Lord and rejoice in God my Saviour. Habakkuk 3:17,18

Do you like the ‘good’ verses in the Bible? You know the promises of heaven for the faithful, and the miracles of healing, and feeding the hungry? Yes, me too. In fact I admit to thinking sometimes that our salvation is ‘sweetness and light’, but sadly, it isn’t, because we go through some dark times when the way ahead is not clear. To make matters worse, we look at the bad things that happen to some of the good people we know, and find ourselves asking the age old question, “why Lord, why”?

There are many Bible translations, and we can misuse the SIV (Selective Information Version) at our own peril. As you read the whole Bible, and see what happened to the children of Israel during their time in the desert, you can’t help but see that everything did not always go well. In fact, more often than not, theirs was a troubled journey. As is ours!

When we are tempted to ask ‘why’, can I remind you of something I learned (again) this week? When the people of God are faced with deep and unfair trouble, they don’t lose sight of their faith, or Who their faith is rooted in. I have watched a Godly family go through the kind of trouble we would not wish on anyone, and did they become bitter, or hard, or shout ‘why’ at God? No, a thousand times no! They rested in the fact that above everything that had happened to them, none of which was their own doing, they thanked God for His faithfulness.

I become humbled when I talk to God’s faithful. Whether in good times or bad, they ooze the Holy Spirit in such a way that the witness is unmistakeable and certain. This was a very personal problem which dug deep into the very fibre of the family unit, and yet as the verse in Habakkuk says, and is worth repeating: “Figs might not grow on the fig trees, and grapes might not grow on the vines. Olives might not grow on the olive trees, and food might not grow in the fields. There might not be any sheep in the pens or cattle in the barns. But I will still be glad in the Lord and rejoice in God my Saviour.”

If you recognise yourself, thank you for your constant witness to the overall sovereignty and authority of our great God who will continue to use you for His glory, and the benefit of His Kingdom. It is my pleasure and blessing to have you in my journey of life.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Pleasant Surprise

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favour rather than silver and gold. Proverbs 22:1

Sometimes an event takes you by surprise, but in a good way. This one happened unexpectedly and made me smile. When you get to know some folks better each and every time you meet them, they sometimes will give you a nickname, or a ‘pet name’ as a way of showing friendship and a confirmation that your relationship is on good ground.

This mainly happens with young love, and between husband and wife, but there can be other occasions. Have you ever been called by a name other than your Christian name, or a shortened version? Most have, but what would be the ‘good name’ this verse can be talking about? That is when I got my surprise.

I am blessed to have two fine daughters, and grandchildren at various stages and ages. To them, I am known simply as ‘granda’, and I confess to enjoying the title. Not grandad, or grampa, or grandpa, but ‘granda’. I feel blessed when this name is used because some history lies behind its use, making it even more special.

I have met some lovely, Godly people, and in some way each one has enriched my life, but I have always remained known by my given name. This time it was different. Out of the blue, one of my new friends referred to me as ‘granda’. Of course not their granda, or even a relation, but their way of recognising the role played in my grandkids’ lives. To me, there is no greater honour than being called ‘dad’ or ‘granda’? As the verse indicates, that is a ‘good name’ and as far as I’m concerned, better than ‘great riches’.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

How Bad ?

We live in a secular country, where the State has won out over the Church, and in fact almost anything to do with God. Our media pushes the ‘godless’ agenda in programming, so much so that you could be forgiven for thinking that ‘God people’ are deranged, misguided, and not in their right mind. When a minister or priest is shown on TV, it is usually with a theme of corruption or not to be a laughing stock.

London has seen a ‘Towering Inferno’ in real life, like no other in our country, and the death toll keeps rising. The seriously injured are spread between several hospitals, and the search for bodies continues. According to emergency services, no further survivors are expected to be found. As I watched the constantly repeated newscasts, I was left with a burning question.

How many of these good people cried out to God when they feared for their lives? How many self confessed humanists, secularists, and atheists found a voice for prayer? How bad does it have to get before we pray? To place the question closer to home, how many lapsed and backslidden Christians, faced with a horrible end, came face to face with the fact that God DID exist, and found themselves calling out for forgiveness, regretting their prodigal lifestyle? God knows that every one affected needs to know and feel comfort, and where better to get them than from God, who is love (1 John 4:8).

These questions troubled me, and still do. Those touched are no different from us, except that an impending disaster may have sharpened their minds, and focussed their thinking to the one thing in this life that’s important, and that is how we finish. Sadly, for most of us it takes a life changing circumstance to make us understand the very importance of life, how we live it, and the legacy we leave behind. The good news of the Gospel is that the story doesn’t end there because we believe in a forgiving God who gives eternal life to all who call on Him, no matter when. Remember the thief on the cross next to Jesus? He is spending his eternity in heaven because of his simple prayer. What about this great promise which is effective for all?.....

“everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13  

Friday, 16 June 2017

How Good?

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

It’s called the ‘good book’ for sound reason, after all the Bible has been around for centuries, and despite many attempts to discount it, burn it, disprove it, sneer at those who believe it, the sacred Word of God lingers and lives on in the hearts and minds of Christians around the world to this day.

It is without question that the Bible has survived this long because it contains the words of life to all Christian believers, but I wonder how good a book do we think it is? I mean really think it is? Here’s the challenge: Do you read the Bible? I don’t mean reading it from the overhead screen on a Sunday. I mean reading it for yourself? But be careful, you might become a changed person!

The Scriptures will continue to survive with or without our help, whether we read it or not. Wouldn’t it be better if we had the courage of our convictions and not only lived by its principles, but read it. Often and regularly? Can we call ourselves ‘Christian’ and NOT read the Bible regularly?

God’s word is alive and working. It is sharper than the sharpest sword and cuts all the way into us. It cuts deep to the place where the soul and the spirit are joined. God’s word cuts to the centre of our joints and our bones. It judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts. Hebrews 4:12

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Praise and Pride

Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips. Proverbs 27:2

This doesn’t need a lot of explanation because like many other verses in the Bible, the meaning is clear. We don’t need a Pastor, Minister or Priest to break it down word by word.

You can praise another for Godly actions, and both of you will stay humble. The only danger is when or if these words, spoken sincerely, go to your head and you become proud. I know some Christians who would not speak highly to another believer because it’s their way to “keep them humble”. However, we all need encouragement at times, and when a work is done well for the Kingdom, we should be quick to speak words of kindness, encouragement, and praise over them.

The rule is simple. If you want to stay humble, don’t praise yourself. It’s good to leave it to others!

Sunday, 11 June 2017


While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:18

Do not say a person is guilty by what you see. Be sure you know when you say what is right or wrong.” John 7:24

How do you deal with the unseen? Truth is, you can’t in most cases, unless, that is, you are very close to the person you know well who is very different inside, from the personna displayed and portrayed on the outside. We all put a face on at times. It may be a ‘telephone voice’, a happy smile hiding a broken heart, or an an outgoing lifestyle hiding a deep insecurity or shyness. Sadly and unfortunately, the unseen can also be the dark inner heart of one pretending to be a Christian. I know from experience how easy it is to ‘go through the motions’ of churchianity.

The truth is, it’s not down to how we look or sound on the outside. If the heart is right with God, there will be an outflowing of ‘doing’ what Jesus would approve in Godly action. The old saying “The proof of the pudding is in the eating”, is borne out in the words of Psalm 34:8: “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!”

(Jesus said) “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. Matthew 7:21

Thursday, 8 June 2017


A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:14-16

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

I have used the words, “I am just speaking the truth in love” quite often, and you may have done the same. These words are almost always used in a way to tell someone some ‘truth’ they don’t know, or are uncomfortable with (you think!). It pretty much always comes in a condescending way, and the sad thing is, we know it. I think we have these verses in Ephesians incomplete in emphasis and meaning.

Having taught us that we are not to be tossed about by teachings which are cunning, crafty, deceitful, and scheming, the next words are “instead, speaking the truth in love we will become the mature body of Christ”. It follows that this is a call for believers NOT to be like, or copy the others, but to be more like Jesus. Paul takes the theme further in Galatians, and says gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit. We need to let that sink in! And long before Paul’s epistles, Solomon reminds us that “A gentle answer turns away wrath”. The theme throughout Scripture is clear and unambiguous.

This verse may be better rendered as “speaking the truth OF love” as this gives a clearer indication that our speech should be more like our Master, Jesus. We know that “God is Love”, and Jesus is “the Truth”, so in speaking truth OF love to others, it should always be God-loving, and Jesus-truthful. Even then sadly, for some Christians, that may be too difficult!

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Forgetting and Straining

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Philippians 3:13-15

You are an athlete, and you are in the race of your life. This time you aim for gold! What does the athlete do? According to this verse, it all comes down to: "This one thing I do, pressing toward the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus". That's it. What, that's it?? Just aim for the finishing line, and Paul confirms that this is enough for God and Heaven's entry. Sounds simple, doesn't it. Not a lot of other things to bog you down.

Let's look at it from another angle. As with any other Olympic race, there are some things the athlete does NOT do. He/she doesn't:

>Look at the crowd of spectators at the side of the race. Some may not be Christians, but they are watching how you run this race. You don’t run to please them, but your Heavenly Father.

>Look at, or concentrate on, the men and yes women who may be in front leading the pack. Perhaps they are straining even more muscle and sinew than you are, and so deserve their place. The aim is not to win, just finish well.

>Look at the ones who are level with him/her because they are brothers and sisters in Christ, and they are your encouragement, not the opposition. You can’t compare yourself because you are all in this race together.

>Turn round and look at those you are faster and better than. The end result can come down to pride because you are ahead, and pride comes before a fall. The ones behind are still in the race, and like you, their aim is to finish.

>The last thing a runner in this race does NOT do is check out any of the runners, or the spectators, to see if they should be anywhere near this race. The sincere runner is too busy straining, and looking forward to the end goal so that he/she cannot afford to look around to check on everyone’s eligibility. That is not our job. They are all there for a reason and by God’s sovereign will, whether in the race or on the sidelines. We must get used to that idea, and not take our eyes away from the goal, or our attention from the prize!

The athlete's focus in this, the most important race of his life, is to finish. It is not acceptable to stop, falter or faint on the way, because then it is impossible to finish. It is also worth remembering that even the Apostle Paul hadn’t reached the goal. He was there in the race striving, just like you and me.