Be honest now, we all want some kind of silver bullet to get us to the heart of the broken things we value and love most and make them right. Those who might want to lose weight, will want to know exactly what to cut out, so that the pounds will fall off easily. Athletes want to know what the single best thing is for them to work on to make the biggest difference. Scientists working on a cure for serious diseases want to get down to the root of the problem, and eradicate using that silver bullet to beat all sorts of diseases.
Sometimes, with the best intentions, Christians want to know what the biggest thing is that will make a difference to the work of the Kingdom, whether in their own heart, their church, or the wider world. There is nothing wrong in wanting to know, and use, that silver bullet in any capacity. For dieters, athletes, and scientists such a single silver bullet is elusive, and not available, no matter how much research is done. However, we all know that a balanced diet, or the right mix of things from separate areas, are needed for all of these issues.
It’s a different story for people of the Christian faith because we have it clearly defined by none other than Jesus Himself who tells us plainly how we can look, and act as God would want.
We don’t need to look further, or research, or study madly. We have the silver bullet, and it works every time we use it. Sadly though, sometimes we decide not to use it.
You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbour and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies. Pray for those who treat you badly. If you do this, you will be children who are truly like your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:43-45