I know this is a contentious issue, and there is a lot of bluster and high emotion talked about allowing grown men to enter and use ladies and girls toilets and vice versa. It’s done in the name of freedom and equality, therefore it must be right, so goes the argument. The numbers involved are very low, ie less than 1% of people in the UK see themselves as transgender, so either we should allow this very small group do what they want at the expense of the 99% majority, or we apply some common sense and say no. On top of this, ‘we’ are encouraging very young children to decide with which gender they ‘self identify’.
When was the last time a judge dismissed a murder case because it doesn’t happen much, and murderers are in the minority? Or closer to the point, when was a case thrown out because a paedophile abused a child, and he was considered a minority in society? Society is changing fast, and we have leaders, both political and in the higher church circles who are swimming in the slipstream of minority opinion, instead of swimming with the mainstream against popular ‘equality’ messages. After all, we all know in our heart of hearts that the issue is not one of equality because there are many inequalities in our world, and they work for our greater good. This is a clear case of trying to be seen as politically correct!
Society and community has thrived over many centuries without any doubt over who are men and who are women. What has happened to bring this change about? I think we need to understand the unashamed and openly espoused agenda of the LGBTI group. We have become used to recognising and using the initial letters when we talk about it, and we forget what they stand for. This group have the ear of the establishment and use that influence very effectively to bring about change in the basic human rights and needs of society, and we are allowing it to happen. That’s you! That’s me!! You have to wonder why more of the 99% majority don’t exercise their right to speak out?
The majority have now become known as the intolerant part of society. They are labelled as bigoted and ignorant of the real needs of a small ‘hurting’ group of people who really need to use a toilet of their ‘chosen’ or ‘self identified’ gender. Yes, it’s that simple but we make it complicated. Men who think they look like, behave, or even like the thought of dressing like a woman, can decide which bathroom to use. Meanwhile the 99+% who don’t have a problem can’t use their freedom of choice. It doesn’t take much to see that there is room for abuse (note that word) of the system being put in place to accommodate the confused mini-minority. These are some of my concerns
Who will guard the toilet entrance to see which door any ‘man or woman’ uses?
Who will be inside the toilet checking that there is no loitering with evil intent?
What will be the penalty if there is a distressed child, but no proven abuse?
Who will accompany or talk to the children in the toilet to ensure they feel safe?
We tell our children not to talk to strangers, so why put them into danger?
It would be good to hear again some words we can trust:
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
He created them male and female and blessed them. Genesis 5:2
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this. Deuteronomy 22:5
"Haven't you read the Scriptures?" Jesus replied. "They record that from the beginning 'God made them male and female.' Matthew 19:4 (Jesus)
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