Tuesday 24 September 2013


Members and attenders of the Reformed Churches in general seem to be able to jump ship from a particular church to another quite easily. The reasons are not usually because people move away from the area, but for other ‘human’ reasons. Hopscotch can be played because we fall out with other members, or the music isn’t right, or the minister doesn’t quite tick your box. Reformed christians can be a fickle lot.

I found myself wondering if Jews jump Synagogues, or Muslims jump Mosques, or Roman Catholics jump Chapels for the same reasons. I don’t think so, but you can feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Maybe the protestants are not so good at real ‘God Worship’, and are more inclined to be judgemental? Just a thought.

If we go to church to worship God as our primary and even sole purpose, does it show us as a bit shallow if we jump ship for these other ‘human’ reasons? What if we get to heaven, and the choir isn’t as good as we thought, or St Peter isn’t as rugged and handsome as we imagined, or there are folks who made heaven that we just couldn’t get on with while on earth? Hold on, these aren’t the reasons we are in heaven. It is everything, and only, to do with worshipping our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Anything less is unChristlike, and we wouldn’t fit in, would we?

Having said all that, I can fully accept, and agree, that if any church or religious denomination at any level, falls away from the true gospel of Jesus Christ, then we should not be playing hopscotch, we should be doing an immediate sprint dash away from it, as fast as we can and as far from it as possible. We cannot live in harmony with bad theology that translates into false prophets or prophesy.  

But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them – bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. 2 Peter 2:1-2 NIV


  1. I noticed your blog and recalled the game I knew among the tenements of Glasgow in the 1940's and 1950's as peever. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/. Hopscotch as you will see from the link this is one of the names for hopscotch which is apparently a very ancient game if the account is true.

    The object of he game is to retrieve the peever from the space into which it has been thrown while balancing on one foot. It is a very skilful game and requires a lot of dexterity, good balance and perspective.

    Findng and staying in a church with so many denominations, opinions and personalities would appear to demand the same set of skills.

    The church in this life can never be the same as heaven. Its purpose is not the same. In this life we are learning and we are restricted by sinful mortal bodies which hold us back. Whereas in Heaven we must have considerably better and immortal bodies which have limitless energy and purpose.

    That is why we play this skilful game of hopscotch. We are trying to achieve something we can never have here but which we want and will always strive to achieve.

    The alternative has been tried in past centuries and it still continues to some extent today. It is enforced by persecution. imprisonment and death of those who have dared to question the authority of the dominant power.

    We should value the freedom to choose and encourage those who seek the Way, the Truth and the Life.

    1. Hi Anonymous,

      funnily enough I had thought of using the name 'peever' to reflect the idea that some might move church because they become peeved with something or someone within the church on earth, but decided to use the less obvious 'hopscotch' instead. Looks like you caught my drift anyway.

      Thanks for your comments, which are articulate and accurate.
      God Bless, David.

  2. hi, i actually just swapped to my old church again... why well i felt it was necessary as i tend to pray for folk and interceed for them and those relationships in the old church were being brought to my attention by the Lord
    but actually this is what i have to say...all people in all churches in all nations in all times who are genuinely in a relationship with the Lord are one church...
    so then does it really matter if a person swaps, for are we all not related and brothers together in Christ?
    for your info i retain fellowship with members from both churches, i attend house groups from both churches and in this i am so blessed to be apart of these peoples lives... i was prayed and blessed out to attend this new church...
    first lady :) x
