Tuesday 22 November 2011


He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Ps 121:3

I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. Matt 16:18

God has always had trouble with His churches. You only have to look at the behaviour of the church at Corinth, and the several churches mentioned by John in his Revelation to see that churches are not perfect. In fact, some were clearly immoral. As the old saying goes, ‘If you find a perfect church, don’t join it, because it will not then be perfect’.

The two verses above are clear. God doesn’t sleep. He is a 24/7 God, and second, even the gates of hell/hades cannot get the better of it. Why then do churches not always flourish? And why do some fail? While we are at it, why are there some which go from strength to strength, and I am not thinking of the shallow, TV, prosperity gospel kind? No, I am thinking of those real, solid, Bible believing, preaching and teaching churches.

Since the Scriptures are inerrant in all matters of faith, the verses make us conclude that God delights in His church on earth. A thriving place of spiritual growth. So again, why do some fail, either gradually or suddenly. Actually, it is easier to see and understand the sudden failures, because the reasons will usually be self evident. Not so with the gradual failures. Why would God allow any church of His to fail anyway, whatever the speed?

I think we need to make the distinction between ‘the body of Christ’, and His ‘denominational church’. Since no church is perfect, it follows that some will be less good than others. Paul faced this problem head on, and his words are with us today as a help and guide for the way we live our earthly lives in preparation to be a part of the ultimate ‘body of Christ’ in heaven. Our concept of Holiness, and being wholly His, will play a big part of the success of any church. Of course, a good church cannot be measured purely by attendance, although this is usually a good thing. A healthy congregation will be able to support their pastor, provide for missions, while still actively keeping its local support for the needy. A goodly number of committed and Holy sanctified and 24/7 Christians are a formidable force against the forces of Hell.

That takes us back to the place we started. We, the earthly church, are the force which God uses to stand against the ‘gates of hell’. What an honour, and responsibility. Since these dark forces are strong, it also takes a strong church to take a stand against spiritual wickedness locally, and in high places. Are we up to the challenge? Would our lives withstand the scrutiny of the non Christian? Maybe we need some growth, both at personal and church level. That could mean thinking outside the box, but within the Word. Oh, it gets challenging and personal right there, doesn’t it? Looks like I should wake up, and stop sleepwalking!

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