Saturday 20 August 2011

High Maintenance

You can easily see this in many people. Other people that is. And it can be quite obvious, if not to them, then at least to you and everyone else around them. The phrase can get dropped easily into our conversations, and it is very descriptive. No other words are usually needed to further describe the person, or the reasons that they are indeed 'high maintenance'.

These folks are hard to get along with, and sometimes will deliberately take a view or position just to put another person 'in their place'. They may even talk down to you in a way that you think would be unreasonable, and even about those in their own circle. They usually like to be heard, and taken note of. Should I also say they can be quite egocentric, or self-ish! It all is summed up in the old saying, “It's hard to love the unlovely”, and still these people don't see it in themselves.

Hold on. If they can't see it in themselves, is it possible that we (you and I) can be high maintenance too, but in an area where it matters more? Are we tough nuts to crack for God? Do we make it hard for Him to work through us, because we are always telling Him how hard it is for us? (As if He doesn't know the truth already!) Do the angels whisper between themselves when our name is mentioned, “careful how you go with that one, they are high maintenance”. Ouch!

Wouldn't be me. Wouldn't be you, now would it?


  1. I have seen the most 'holy' people be the most judgmental, maybe worse; the most self-righteous.

    How can we expect God to work in us when we show little remorse? All of us have an incredible ability to justify our every act.

    And so what is high maintenance? I fear it might be the conservative and not the liberal!

  2. Hi James. Thanks for your comments. I suppose I can't disagree that Christians can be flawed, very much so, but my thinking is centred around the last paragraph. Mainly, if we think some folks (even Christians) are high maintenance, what does our God think of us? I reckon we are all mostly kind of high maintenance to Him. It's just as well He is the final judge and not us. That includes the holy, self righteous, conservative and liberal. Good job we have a BIG God!!
