Friday 1 July 2011

Liquid Loudness

The recent good, sunny and warm weather, in Scotland at least, seems to bring out the predictable. Swaggering topless boys, half dressed girls, and a definite link between the amount of alcohol consumed, whether a fine wine, or a cheap plonk, to the loudness in table conversation.

A small group had gathered round a patio table, and it looked nice. In fact, in a little while I decided, I would join them for some light chat. You know, some decent conversation. The next time I noticed them, it wasn't the sight of the group, but the sound of the group. A couple of bottles of wine now on the table, some glasses, and as the liquid inside the bottles reduced, the noise increased. It was no longer a light, low level, chat. It became a loud debate, or you could say disagreement. By this time, I had realised joining them was a bad idea. I don't think they saw themselves as they were seen. They had changed, without even realising it, and for me that is a danger. Losing your own self control, and not knowing, is a slippery slope because who knows where it ends? Certainly not the folks enjoying their party.

Another very unscientific thought struck me. Maybe there is a link between the amount of alcohol consumed, and deafness. Well, based on a very ordinary study, I reckoned each person round the table either got harder of hearing, or wanted more and more desperately to be heard above the others. I don't know.

I am glad I belong to a church which takes a stand against the use of alcohol by its members (or at least that's what the church manual says) and may it continue to do so. Do you agree, or am I on my own here? 

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