As you may know, this particular website will cease in August, and be replaced by a new and hopefully better signpost to our local church at: and we hope you will join us there. It is impossible to know how many people read the blogs, but we can say with certainty how many respond with their own comments. Sadly, there can be little interaction so it is impossible to gauge any general thinking on any subject whether inside or outside the local church. The new website already has links to the blogger within its pages, so you can still read, and either ignore or reply on the blogger’s original website: I do not expect the traffic to increase just because there is a new website, but I hope you will continue to pop in occasionally to see what’s going on in our local church and community.
I mentioned responses, and at this point, I feel I must thank Anon for his contributions over a period of time on same sex marriage in Scotland and the UK. We do not always agree. In fact we seldom do, but I recognise the depth of feeling he expresses, and the frustration that the law is not changing as fast as he would like. On this subject, I reckon we will always be in opposite corners of the debate, but I am getting to know Anon a little better each time there is a contact. It may come as a surprise, but I prefer it when someone is open and says what they think (even when anonymous), to silence when guesswork is needed. This is a church website and blog, and so I think the vast majority of readers will be mainstream Christian. So, the question I have to ask myself is, why are there no other responses? I think Anon’s opinions would represent the minority of readers, and yet he expresses himself for us all to read, but there is no alternate view to act as a balance. It is no longer an argument/debate between Anon and me, it is more like a conversation where we know what we each think, and allow our opinions to be aired, and in the process get to understand our belief systems. Is that a bad thing? I don’t think so, after all we are told not to judge, even when we disagree. Now that the UK law is being altered to allow for same sex marriage, I don’t think I will hear from Anon again, because it seemed to be a one story comment response. I hope I am wrong.
So, all that to say thanks to Anon (whoever you are, and wherever you live) for your openness, and even your frustration with my own opposing opinions. I do not see you as an enemy, but just like me, a sinner in need of God’s grace! In that respect, we stand on level ground at the foot of the cross, and as individuals before the judgement throne!