Saturday, 28 February 2009

My Rainbow

This photo encapsulates my hope for a brighter future. It was taken just two weeks after losing my wife of almost 38 years to one of life's most feared diseases. A lot of what you will read and see is directly due to the influence she had, and still has, on my life. This is a 'rainbow of hope' and a reminder that although some days are very dark and overcast, sometimes, just sometimes, a rainbow appears when you need it. Another reminder that life goes on meantime, but that we will meet up again sometime in the future. You will have gathered by now that we both had, and I still have, a faith to help me believe in a much brighter future, and a better place than this. I do not believe that we are here by an accident, or even the design of nature alone. Surely there is some arrogance in the argument that we control our own destiny totally, and that we have arrived at this point purely by evolving from a lesser state. I accept science, and the pursuit of knowledge, but sometimes think we are chasing our tails as we try to prove there is no God. There is a lot of evidence that there is a God, but no evidence that there is not! Of course the very nature of mankind is to continually try to prove something which by its own nature cannot be proven.

Friday, 27 February 2009

Starting a Family Photo album

My overriding wish is that you find a pleasant blog where personal photographs are displayed, and some thought provoking opinions are expressed. These opinions will be in the mainstream of thought, held by the majority of our nation, but not always spoken in our ever increasing PC society. These thoughts are my own, and not the viewpoint put forward by any political, or religious society.

M_Photo stands for.....


This is my first attempt at blogging, and especially entering the scary world of exposing my photography to the world! Like many others, I am using this medium to showcase my photographs taken for family and friends' pleasure, and at the same time as a way to express my own opinions of events in the local and national news. You may not agree with all my views, but like you, I am entitled to express them within the confines of the law of the land.

The UK, and Scotland in particular, is home to many moaners, groaners, gripers and whiners, and I would not want this site to degenerate into that kind of expression of life. Instead, it should be a positive site, thought provoking, and at worst a source of constructive criticism. To me this means seeing something you think is wrong, but also being big enough to present an opinion as to what you think could be done to change the situation, or even right the wrong.